The Moon just entered the sign of Aries (ruled by Mars) and will be transiting through Aries for the next 2 days.

Mars just entered the sign of Virgo (until October 22).

The Moon currently in Aries serves to accentuates all martial matters in our lives and for the next 2 days we can witness how Mars will get filtered through the sign of Virgo in the coming weeks.

Mars in Virgo is preoccupied with practicalities and productivity but also the minute details that we must attend to in order to meet our long-term goals. It is with repetitive efforts that expertise is developed.

The systems of our lives will be vitalized while Mars travels through the sign of Virgo. It’s a great time to organise our space and make it more functional and efficient. The emphasize will be on practicalities and function. There is more patience available for processes but also the possibility of scattering ourselves though too many projects. Being overly critical or preoccupied with perfection is another tendency to watch for.

Mars in Virgo until October 22nd is the opportunity to renew with a health regiment, a physical discipline and to polish the structures of our lives making them more efficient.

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